Friday, December 18, 2020

Students Hostos Online Learning

Four Hostos Students Recognized By Kaplan Educational Foundation Four Hostos students were selected as scholars of the 2023 Kaplan Leadership Program , a longstanding advising initiative of the Kaplan Educational Foundation . Once you’ve registered, there’s still plenty to do to get ready for day one of your online class, such as how to access Blackboard, navigate your online course, and where to get your textbooks. Making a schedule for yourself to log onto your Blackboard course can be the first step to paving the road to success.

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They can be recorded for later use, with links to the recordings placed within one or more courses. You can assess whether you are prepared to become an online student or whether online instruction suits your needs. If you need to remove any authentication factors from your Hostos SSO profile, you may do so by following these instructions. One of the most common scenarios requiring these steps is if you have set up an Authenticator App on a mobile device and no longer have access to it and need to set up a new one. Hostos Single Sign-On provides a secure, simple single-click access to various applications that are used by members of Hostos Community College.

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Being an independent learner and online student requires extra attention to a few factors that could be your key to the successful completion of an online course. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a tool for conducting video conferences over a Web connection via computer, tablet, or smartphone. These conferences are accessible via links to virtual rooms within courses in Blackboard Learn.

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Maintaining a calendar with reminders of due dates for assignments and exams helps you plan to have enough time to prepare and do the work. Instructors will tell you at the beginning of the course what are the best ways and times to reach them, and how long it will take to get back to your message. All e-mail communications from your instructor will be sent to your Hostos e-mail (). If you DO NOT know your username or password, use theStudent Email Lookup Tool.

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Intelligent, a student-focused website that helps pre-college teens make better learning choices, gathered the data and highlighted Hostos’ success in workforce education. Make computer and telephone technology available, understandable and useable to our diverse college community throughout campus. Four Hostos students were selected as scholars of the 2023 Kaplan Leadership Program , a longstanding advising initiative of the Kaplan Educational Foundation . José González, Yassine Gaye, Fatima Bah, and Andre Watson are this year’s awardees. With four out of eleven spots earned by Hostos students, the College became the institution with the most participants in KLP’s 2023 classification. They will join a cohort that receives mentoring to transfer into four-year colleges successfully.

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All textbooks and course materials are available for purchase on theHostos Community College online bookstore. Students can have their course materials shipped to them at their desired address, or to the Hostos college campus where they can be picked up. You’ll have to follow the steps again to join your video and audio, and then you’ll be taken to the meeting. Keep reading to find out whether you are prepared to take an online class. Most of projects will involve capturing lessons that will be available to students. Some faculty have stated that they would like to make their production available to other faculty to use or on a website available to anyone interested in the subject.

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Although our initial attempts at creating podcasts have been successful using these resources , the process of creating a podcast is still fairly complex, especially as an independent effort by a college as small as Hostos. In order to expedite the integration of podcasts at Hostos, we need to find a system that not only meets complex technical needs, but also one that provides a friendly environment for the faculty and student users. After repeated login attempts with an incorrect password, your Hostos account will automatically be locked. For security reasons, this lockout will last for a period of 20 minutes, after which the lock is automatically removed. Instead of waiting, you can perform a self-service account unlock by proceeding through the following steps.

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In a hybrid course, only part of the material will be taught in a face-to-face classroom, so you can also plan to spend some time online to access the rest of the instruction. Your professor is not the only resource available to you, and may not even be the best person to address a problem. For example, there may be a discussion board in your online course where students can offer each other solutions.

Select the “Schedule” button to see a complete list of events, dates, and locations. The establishment of a repository of best practices for the use of rich media in online course content.Examples of topics posted would be matching software with intended production goals and proper use of hardware devices. Included in the repository, which will be posted in the iTunesU site, would be at least one lesson from each of the five disciplines represented by faculty participants in this project.

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As many of you are aware, the nation and our schools suffered yet another tragedy yesterday in an unspeakable act of violence in rural Texas. We know, as do you, that students who see the news, are on social media, or have family members that are discussing this tragedy may have questions or need additional support or clarity in the upcoming days. Also, many of you may feel this loss acutely or need help to deal with personal feelings of loss or trauma that surface in response to this event. The course work for online classes are as time intensive as traditional offline classes.

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Faculty use ePortfolios to document newly acquired skills and career advancements. Digital portfolios provide instructors with the most appropriate medium to list courses they have taught, curriculum development, and many other life-long experiences they can bring into the teaching process. To learn more and to create an ePortfolio or to use them in your class, please visit the section on ePortfolio Benefits. Digital portfolios provide students with the opportunity to reflect on assignments and this allows them to grow as individuals and improve their learning skills. For example, if you log into CUNYfirst as george.washington76, your CUNY Login will be For a more detailed guide about logging in, download this document.

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Blackboard needs to be accessed from either WINDOWS or macOS, NOT IOS or ANDROID. Mozilla Firefox is generally recognized as the best choice for accessing CUNY Blackboard 9.1. In the event textbook information does not appear in the bookstore, contact faculty directly. This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. They are available to everyone and may be repurposed to meet the unique needs of educational institutions.

The school will enroll approximately 500 students from Grades 6 to 12 and focus primarily on media and the performing arts. The opportunity the KLP gives to students comes at significant junctures in each of their lives. “As a single mother, not only is KEF giving me a chance but also providing me with all the support a determined student would need to achieve greatness. I am genuinely happy and grateful,” stated Fatima Bah, Mathematics major. Additionally, all students are advised on the availability of all-expenses-paid financial aid programs at each of their desired institutions.

Support and encourage faculty to expose students to innovative practices that bring into use rich media—voice recordings, images, video, sound effects, animations, etc—thereby taking them beyond traditional assignments. Expand instructional technology infrastructure and services to support and manage the creation and distribution of audio and video podcasts for pedagogical practices across all curricula. In order to register for an online course, you need to log in on CUNYfirst. If you have not claimed your CUNYfirst account,you must do so before accessing Blackboard. Your CUNY Login username is your CUNYfirst username followed by and your CUNYfirst password. For example, if you log into CUNYfirst as george.washington76, your CUNY Login will be

Hybrid courses are a mix of online learning and classroom instruction; students meet in a classroom less frequently than they would for a traditional face-to-face class; many hybrid courses meet approximately once a week in a classroom. Students are expected to complete anywhere from 33% to 67% of their coursework online, and are typically expected to access Blackboard to review additional content that is not covered during their time in a classroom. All in-person and synchronous online class meeting times must be listed in the schedule of classes for students.

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The following tutorial can help you with developing the skills needed to be successful in an online course. After Zoom downloads, follow the directions on your computer to install the application. To participate in a session of Blackboard Collaborate with both audio and video, users should have equipment and software that meet or exceed certain minimum standards. ” is a mini online readiness course designed by Hostos Community College to offer an introduction to a Blackboard course. If the password is not accepted, you will get an error message in red giving the reason why it was rejected.

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