Friday, December 18, 2020

Hostos Among the Best Community Colleges in New York Hostos Community College

Support and encourage faculty to expose students to innovative practices that bring into use rich media—voice recordings, images, video, sound effects, animations, etc—thereby taking them beyond traditional assignments. Expand instructional technology infrastructure and services to support and manage the creation and distribution of audio and video podcasts for pedagogical practices across all curricula. In order to register for an online course, you need to log in on CUNYfirst. If you have not claimed your CUNYfirst account,you must do so before accessing Blackboard. Your CUNY Login username is your CUNYfirst username followed by and your CUNYfirst password. For example, if you log into CUNYfirst as george.washington76, your CUNY Login will be

Four Hostos Students Recognized By Kaplan Educational Foundation Four Hostos students were selected as scholars of the 2023 Kaplan Leadership Program , a longstanding advising initiative of the Kaplan Educational Foundation . Once you’ve registered, there’s still plenty to do to get ready for day one of your online class, such as how to access Blackboard, navigate your online course, and where to get your textbooks. Making a schedule for yourself to log onto your Blackboard course can be the first step to paving the road to success.

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The following tutorial can help you with developing the skills needed to be successful in an online course. After Zoom downloads, follow the directions on your computer to install the application. To participate in a session of Blackboard Collaborate with both audio and video, users should have equipment and software that meet or exceed certain minimum standards. ” is a mini online readiness course designed by Hostos Community College to offer an introduction to a Blackboard course. If the password is not accepted, you will get an error message in red giving the reason why it was rejected.

hostos home page

Hybrid courses are a mix of online learning and classroom instruction; students meet in a classroom less frequently than they would for a traditional face-to-face class; many hybrid courses meet approximately once a week in a classroom. Students are expected to complete anywhere from 33% to 67% of their coursework online, and are typically expected to access Blackboard to review additional content that is not covered during their time in a classroom. All in-person and synchronous online class meeting times must be listed in the schedule of classes for students.

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As with the password reset, you must have already configured your account with Hostos SSO before being able to use Self Service Password Management. The following instructions apply to resetting/unlocking your Hostos credentials ( / and not your CUNYfirst or CUNY Login ( credentials. You can reset your CUNYfirst or CUNY Login account credentials on the CUNY website or by clicking on this link.

hostos home page

“This year’s scholars are some of the best Hostos has to offer and will be great contributors to the universities they choose to go to. Kaplan and Hostos are making their road to success a little smoother,” said Jason Libfeld, Student Leadership Coordinator in the Student Development and Enrollment Management division. Libfeld is one of the Hostos Champions, the on-campus mentoring team supporting this year’s scholars. Each offers information, videos, and quizzes that need to be completed to see additional topics. For the latest information on browsers supported by Blackboard, see Browser Support.


Continually improve its capabilities to adapt to these evolving changes through proactive self-education, professional training and maintaining an awareness of new information technologies. Degree Maps are visual representations of how every undergraduate major can be completed in two years. Degree Maps support the advisement students receive from Academic Advisors and Success Coaches and are intended to be used in conjunction with DegreeWorks. In past years, students have transferred to Stanford University, Cornell University, New York University, and others. “ eternally grateful to my colleagues who served as their mentors, guiding them through the highly competitive application process. Can’t wait to see the impact that our scholars will have in the world,” expressed Johanna Gómez, Assistant Dean of Student Life at SDEM.

Additional security factors such as the Authenticator App or the OneLogin Protect can be added at any time. However, keep in mind both will require you to have an internet connected smartphone with the app installed for it to work. After you update your password in CUNYfirst, you must update this information within the Hostos SSO by going to the CUNY applications and updating it in the app as well.

Please enter your Email and Password below.  If you do not have a Email and Password, please register now.  Thank you!

The Office of Instructional Technology at Hostos is directed by a member of the faculty , and staffed by one administrator, one CLT, three staffers, and two part-time college assistants. The resources of the OIT will be committed to support the faculty and to the entire Pilot Project. Implement the use of a mobile and wireless computing and communication environment, where members of the entire college community will be able to access the college's network resources from anywhere, at any time, both on and off campus. Online courses are fully online; all instruction, content and assignments are presented on Blackboard. All online instruction is presented on Blackboard, the Course Management System that is the platform for all online learning across CUNY. The Natural Sciences Department invites the Hostos College community to participate in Science Week.

Being willing to explore different options when seeking help eventually leads you to build a toolkit of useful resources, and support you in becoming an effective problem solver in any situation. As an online student, you will not have an instructor observing your body language and facial expressions in a classroom, looking for signs of understanding. Likewise, you will not be able to simply walk up to your professor to ask for help. It is in your best interest to proactively seek help when you are confused or struggling with any aspect of the online course. Different media will be used and incorporated into the development of the project.In the initial development process faculty will use PowerPoint, video clips, audio, graphics and text. In the early stages of the development process faculty will work with tech support on deciding which media choices are best in terms of suitability and user-friendliness in order to reach the production goals that they envision.

Failure to do this will result in failed CUNY log in attempt the next time you click on the tile. Hostos Community College is an educational agent for change that has been transforming and improving the quality of life in the South Bronx and neighboring communities for over half a century. Since 1968, Hostos has been a gateway to intellectual growth and socioeconomic mobility, as well as a point of departure for lifelong learning, success in professional careers, and transfer to advanced higher education programs. December 15, – Hostos Community College is No. 6 on the Top 22 Best Community Colleges in New York list.

hostos home page

If you think you would like help improving your writing ability, you can make an appointment with a tutor at the Writing Center on the Hostos campus. Students are expected to access Blackboard on a regular basis, check announcements, and participate in any activities and assignments posted by the professor of the course. Professors are required to submit verification of student attendance two weeks into the semester. We have been using Tegrity and Camtasia to capture record lessons and presentations.Tegrity has proved to be easy, convenient, powerful and effective for faculty to post a rich media lessons online or in Blackboard quickly. Camtasia is a very powerful program which faculty can use when they want to spend more time and take full control of the production and post-production process in creating a more personalized multimedia presentation.

OneLogin Browser Extension

Students can expect to put in as much effort in an online course as in a traditional face-to-face class. The need to schedule one’s own time for learning is both an advantage and a challenge for online students. All students who want to take an online course should consult their academic advisor and/or e-mail the course instructor with questions before registering for the course. Students do not have to follow a strict schedule, and the only requirement regarding when they turn in their work is the assignment deadline, which are maintained and included on the class syllabus. Just like your assignments, any messages you send need to be clearly communicated and comprehensible because that is how you interact in an online class. Messages that are vague, missing important information, or hard to understand slow down the pace of communication and cause delays in getting the support you may need.

The school will enroll approximately 500 students from Grades 6 to 12 and focus primarily on media and the performing arts. The opportunity the KLP gives to students comes at significant junctures in each of their lives. “As a single mother, not only is KEF giving me a chance but also providing me with all the support a determined student would need to achieve greatness. I am genuinely happy and grateful,” stated Fatima Bah, Mathematics major. Additionally, all students are advised on the availability of all-expenses-paid financial aid programs at each of their desired institutions.

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Being an independent learner and online student requires extra attention to a few factors that could be your key to the successful completion of an online course. Blackboard Collaborate Ultra is a tool for conducting video conferences over a Web connection via computer, tablet, or smartphone. These conferences are accessible via links to virtual rooms within courses in Blackboard Learn.

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